What Others Say

“Bernard de Wolff, shares with his public, the the feeling of space and atmosphere that inspired his unique creations.”

Christian Noorbergen

“Vibrations subtiles de pigments, de chair profonde, et d’univers mental. Dedans-dehors s’étreignent dans cette dense peinture superbement matiérée. Une vive lumière hante ses profondeurs, sublimant les apparences. Toute proche de l’abstraction, la peinture de Bernard de Wolff absorbe tous les contours. Les paysages ou les corps incantent l’étendue d’une même manière mouvante et fusionnelle, éparse et frémissante. Chaque peinture déborde de présence vitale et sensuelle. Une effusion pâteuse et tressaillante, écrasée du dedans, magma de terre charnelle et de chaos diffus, sourd du profond de la toile, où s’engloutissent les apparences. Eternel recommencement des commencements de la peinture.”

Emily Bilman

“J’ajouterai que la peinture de Bernard de Wolf nous ramène à l’impressionnisme moderne avec ses jeux de lumière, une perception qui se forme et se reforme avec les couleurs et figures quai-abstraites sur la toile.”

Danilo Santinelli

“Bernard de Wolff è stato allievo di Eugène Leroy – del quale ho trattato nel precedente intervento – dalla cui pittura è stato profondamente segnato, i suoi impasti pittorici ne portano un’evidente traccia. Anche de Wolff si muove tra soggetti paesaggistici e di figura, prediligendo anch’egli il nudo. Seppure nella sua pittura tutto tenda a scomparire nel magma materico-cromatico, non presenta i toni drammatici di
altri autori di questa medesima area, e certamente il suo impasto non si rivela altrettanto crudele di quello di Leroy. Aspetto dovuto alla ricchezza della sua tavolozza che dona ai suoi dipinti, in particolare ai paesaggi naturali, un aspetto quasi impressionista. Nelle opere di figura sembra spinger più in una direzione di crudezza, dove il magma materico fa deflagrare le figure deprivandole, anche in questo caso, di un’identità fisiognomica.”

Jean Marie Lienard

“Plus modestement, je dirais que je retrouve avec bonheur, dans l’art abstrait de Bernard de Wolff, les symboles et les signifiants pouvant sublimer certains poèmes, leur donner une dimension supplémentaire qui n’a de cesse que de m’étonner moi-même. Merci, un grand merci à l’Artiste.”

Jan Berghuis

“Ambient art is a development in the 21stcentury and has obvious links to impressionism, as well as the nul/nihl movement in the 60’s and 70’s. That experiment still goes on, and will not stop. Impressionism freed painters from classic rules and laws. It was about painting itself again, not so much representation of reality. Instead the inner feelings of the soul came to surface. Surely composition and rhythm played an (important) role, but painters such as Monet, Mancini and van Gogh were more interested in the emotions of the moment. Therefore Allaprima/ in-one-go painting was serving the final goal much more. Rough pencil-strokes and thick oil paint gave the display more swiftness and speed. With that, an apparent vagueness entered the art world. For decades, impressionism proved to be a commercial style. The impressionistic way of painting is a recognizable display for people to see new things again and again, all in the same picture. From William Turner to Antonio Mancini up to Bernard de Wolff there are surely developments. The latter being a contemporary Dutch impressionist. His paintings consist out of thick paintclods in which one can vaguely witness a figure. These distorted images are closely related to Ambient art.”

James Kieley

“The prophecy is fulfilled, because of Master Artist, Bernard de Wolf, Impressionism has risen again!This handsome canvas exhibits a variety of beautiful deep crusty textures, that is exquisitely conjured by the artist, by adding layer after layer of broken color on the surface of the canvas! Bernard de Wolf creates a most memorable rendition , his landscape features a mottled blue grey sky, accented by a smoldering rugged terrain ,with heavy impasto shrubbery as a backdrop!”


“Bernard de Wolff , displays his impression of a mysterious, and murky , atmospheric environment.”


“The artist not only portrays a vase of flowers, Bernard de Wolff has captured the essence of open space!”


“Bernard de Wolff’ s viscous pigments appear to dance with delight!”


“Bernard de Wolff, shares with his public, the the feeling of space and atmosphere that inspired his unique creations.”


“In this unique scenario, Bernard de Wolff, confronts the viewer with the natural, but boxcar shape of the contented animal!”


“Bernard de Wolff’s dextrous and mysterious drawing, is well illuminated, and in a such way, that it displays great aesthetic range.”


Louise de Chiron Charrault

“J’adore la façon dont la lumière est analysée pour être sublimée dans chaque tableau. Je ne cherche pas à comprendre le rendu du motif parfois plutôt confus comme celui de St Germain, mais j’apprécie les couleurs, la touche nerveuse et généreuse.”

Ishrath Humairah

“What happens when you come across a painting that suddenly seems to look unusual and arresting at the same time? Your heart skips a beat and you tend to take a closer and longer look. You know it is a landscape but there is more to that. A few minutes later, you are in love with its colors, depth, texture, story and strokes.

This happened to me when I chanced upon Bernard De Wolff’s portfolio of sand textured oil paintings that ranged from landscapes, figurative, abstract, nudes, cityscapes and more. His unifying thread was sand mixed with oil colors, giving rise to sensual and touches-me
kind of textures. Bernard’s method is simple. Oil + sand + canvas = magic Having gone crazy over his portfolio, I had the wonderful opportunity to interact with him and discuss his works. The more he told spoke about the sand in oils, the more intrigued I grew.”

Dorotea Duval

“Vedo la tua opera nella tua pagina FB. E veramente la trovo meravigliosa, profonda, generosa, con mille e mille di zone semantiche diverse. Una luce tanto olandese, una sensibilità poetica straordinaria. E, anche sei bello, incantevole, inteligente, bon Vivant… Sei tutto e più. E anche sei molto sexy, perbacco!!”


“Como eres un precioso dandy, con una mujer preciosa, ambos de un chic fou se tiende a no mencionar que eres un maravilloso pintor, un profesional serio, de una ética monolítica, de una inteligencia privilegiada, un gran artista. Contemplar tu trabajo es una alegría y una fiesta. Gracias por eso.”


For more information, or thinking about purchasing? Please contact.


38 Rue Saint-Louis en l’Île, 75004 Paris, France


+33 7 82 59 51 78

